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The first Mamboday ever

mamboday.gifIt’s very exciting to hear about the success of Mamboday, the first Mambo community gathering in the world that was held in Bonn, Germany, Arthur Knoze and Brian Teeman have both published a very interesting report about the event. Two thumbs up for the German community.

Both reports about the event are available over at and, and if you speak German make sure you stop by to learn more about the day’s agenda workshops.

New Mambo development team members

The core team has announced Arno Zijlstra and Johan Janssens  being added to the Mambo Developement team. Arno (aka Jick) who's known for his nice forum component “SimpleBoard”. Johan (aka Mr Jinx) is also known for DocMan, the best documents manager for Mambo.

In addition, the Documentation Team has a new joint co-ordinator, Shayne Bartlett, the author of the Workware suite of components and modules, a new Translation Team has also been created. This team lead by Trijnie Wanders will seek to bring together the efforts of the many local community groups supporting language packs for Mambo.

Mamboserver Reloaded - A facelift and news site

The Mambo team announced the re-launch of mamboserver, a one stop shop for everything Mambo. The new mamboserver site comes with a news oriented site which will serve as a source of news and information for all Mambo users.

The new layout is very clean and organized which makes it easy to navigate all parts of the mamboserver site. Check it out now!

4/4 - A newsletter for Mambo

The Mambo team has announced a new monthly newsletter that offers the latest news and information on everything related to Mambo, directly from the source.

The newsletter is targeted to all members of the community and is for everyone interested in learning more about Mambo on a regular basis. Sign up today to get your copy delivered right into your inbox.

Module Class Suffix


Today we added a new little tip to our "Tips & Tricks" section. It describes the use of the new Mambo 4.5.1 module parameter module class suffix, to perform the style and appearance of an individual module. Click on Read more...

Read more: Module Class Suffix

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