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Published on Monday, 04 February 2008 00:00
Written by Reza Farshbaf
Joomla CSS Guide released another perfect template for club members, called JCSS Realtor. This template specifically designed for real estate business but you can make use of it as a multi-purpose template for your joomla powered website.
JCSS Realtor Features:
Joomla 1.0+ compatible
Table-less 100% CSS layout
9 module placement positions
Collapsible column structure
3 Different module styles
Valid XHTML and CSS markup
JCSS Realtor Demo
JCSS Realtor Specifications
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Published on Monday, 21 January 2008 00:00
Written by Reza Farshbaf
Joomla CSS Guide is pleased to announce the launch of JoomlaCSSGuide affiliate program. It is very easy to sign up and requires no technical expereince. Affiliates will get 5 Euro bonus upon sign up and 20% of every membership sale generated from their site.
If you have a website with affiliate links on it, try joomla css guide affiliate program today!
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Published on Tuesday, 08 January 2008 00:00
Written by wahyu agung
Vetclinics.Net is a World wide Veterinary Clinic Directory powered by Joomla. Here you can found access to a lot of Veterinary Clinic covered in country categories. You will find a listing of Veterinary Clinics in the around the world. Browse by country to find a clinic near you. You also can submit your own Veterinary Clinic for free. Please consider that once you've submited your veterinary clinic , we will check it first before publish.
visit site: http://www.vetclinics.net
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Published on Wednesday, 05 December 2007 00:00
Written by JoomSuite
Good news for all webmasters wishing to move or start their projects on Joomla 1.5! JoomSuite.com - a site presenting components devoted exclusively native to Joomla 1.5 announces its launch.
JoomSuite is in the target and uses their components on the site, what guarantee that all components are working fine and well thought out. Many know that JoomSuite developers who developed components for JoomlaEquipment have outstanding approach in component developing. That makes JoomSuite components not only ones of the best available but unique with unquestionable logic.
Components are well supported that definitely increases their value and makes worth to use.
The idea or even desire (if not to say passion) of using Joomla 1.5 to start new projects, occurs in minds of many but lots doubt because of lack of the components extending core Joomla. JoomSuite Project launched to satiate your passion and help you create excellent projects based on Joomla 1.5.
Everyone who cares their web businesses, customers and promotion are welcome to “JoomSuite – Professional Joomla Components For Business Solutions”.
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Published on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 00:00
Written by JoomlaShine
JoomlaShine has just released new free Joomla! template called JSN Epic. Equipped with 16 collapsible module positions as well as advanced module styles and typography, this template allows you to present content in the way you like.
You can download this commercial-class template for free without any registration!
Template details & download | JSN Epic Live demo
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Published on Sunday, 11 November 2007 00:00
Written by john smith
Joomlatemplatestyle - Free Joomla Templates has had a big makeover, we are now running on joomla 1.5!
To celebreate our upgrade to the phenominal joomla! 1.5 Package, we have released a new template to the joomla community called Lamoselle!
You can view the new website here:
Free joomla templates
And you can view a demo of the joomla! template here:
Joomla Template Demo
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Published on Saturday, 10 November 2007 00:00
Written by Joomlatd
Td_gerdal some of the features:
- 2 built-in menu options: suckerfish drop-down menus and flat dropdown menu.
- Flash header based on xml native database.
- A cool effect is use open and close Login Form. Login form using the module Flat Login Form
- Font size changer (increase, decrease and default size).
-3 screen resolution types: narrow, wide and fluid.
HOME http://www.joomlatd.com
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Published on Saturday, 10 November 2007 00:00
Written by olwebdesign
Ol_oloba some of the features:
-2 built-in menu options: suckerfish drop-down menus and flat dropdown menu.
- Flash header based on xml native database.
- Login form using the module Flat Login Form
- Second animated flash header that shows the page title, the date and the logger name.
- Font size changer (increase, decrease and default size).
- 3 screen resolution types: narrow, wide and fluid.
Homepage http://www.olwebdesign.com
- Details
Published on Thursday, 08 November 2007 00:00
Written by Joomla Equipment
The importance of site protection is very urgent as hack attacks are more and more often in modern internet world. Sometimes your site can suffer from an aforethought actions of your competitors, but sometimes just from a bad joke of some guys claiming they are cool. Every minute your site is down you are losing your clients and money and sometimes information. To get back your clients’ loyalty and lost information will be hard and sometimes impossible work. Using Joomla you are quite secure until you install some third party components. Not all developers pay enough attention to security of the component that may make the brilliant component to be an open gate for hackers on your site. But it is not the reason to decline all components for the sake of safety.
JDefender component was developed by JoomlaEquipment especially for those who are concerned about their sites. JDefender is an ultimate component that protects Joomla from Flood, PHP Injections and MySql Injections through any component. It also has the Restore Section to back up and restore information on the site.
New release of JDefender is a stable version and perfectly works. And for short period of time is available for lower price. To learn more information visit JoomlaEquipment home site.