- Details
Published on Friday, 04 May 2007 00:00
Written by Marie
JUser for nowadays is a unique component that allows not only to extend user registration form but also make a full analyses of the information about your clients. This feature in indispensible if you make the marketing reports or just want to see the progression of users registering with your site for a particular period.
Reports are available in a form of tables and diagrams.
The full list of features JUser possesses:
• Ability to extend registration form with unlimited additional fields
• Different types of fields like Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Select List, Text Field, Data
• Ability to create your own list of values to choose for fields of type Select List, Check Box, Radio Buttons
• List of predefined fields to choose available by default
• Ability to assign particular required fields
• Ability to create field’s validation rules
• Ability to edit Users’ extended information and core information on one page
• Ability to include or link "Terms and Conditions" static content page
• Ability to create only-register fields. These fields are present only on registration and not visible in profile editing form.
• Ability to edit the layout of the form (the title placement, color and type of required field are marked.)
• If the user entered some data incorrectly he/she will be turned back to registration form and the information added will not disappear but just marked errors, that allows user not to fill the same information for a few times. Check up of information correctness is implemented in JavaScript that makes the registration even more easier
• Administrator receives the notification about user registration enlarged with additional fields
• Full analysis of users' information by any field
• Analysis report is displayed in the form of diagram
• Reports available in Excel
• Free lifetime support and upgrades