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Published on Tuesday, 01 May 2007 00:00
Written by Alain
A new Mambo/Joomla! Directory launched at Joomlazone.net
Read more: Joomla! Directory
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Published on Monday, 30 April 2007 00:00
Written by RocketTheme
This month we wanted to create a template that had more of everything our members love about RocketTheme templates. That means more versatility, more color variations, more features, more possibilities!
Versatility III combines the versatile layout from the immensely popular Versatility template series with the modern feel, features, and exciting color variations that made last month's ColorMatic template such a big hit. Stir in some amazing new additional features and functionality such as RokMooMenu, and we have a recipe for a great template that is perfect for any project. A sampling of the available features:
Read more: Versatility III - May07 RocketTheme Joomla Template
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Published on Monday, 30 April 2007 00:00
Written by Paul Harvey
JoomlaJet has finally announced the launch of its new website http://www.joomlajet.com.
JoomlaJet provides joomla and mambo templates for businesses and individuals who want to focus on clean designs and professionalism.
At this stage 32 templates have been released for purchase. All templates come with source files as well as the sql dump file. The added bonus of the sql file allows each user to be able to replicate all of the content and structure of the template with ease ensuring that their websites go live faster.
A Template Club ha also been launched allowing users to have access to all 32 templates at any time with no usage restrictions. 4 templates are also scheduled to be released every month.
Visit JoomlaJet today and find out for yourself.
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Published on Monday, 30 April 2007 00:00
Written by Arjan Menger
Every year on May 5 the Dutch people celebrate the end of the German occupation during the Second World War. Throughout the whole country there are festivals to celebrate.
This year the festivals officially start in Utrecht. WELLdotCOM had the honour to power the website of Liberation Festival Utrecht (Bevrijdingsfestival Utrecht) with Joomla!
Please visit http://www.bevrijdingsfestivalutrecht.nl/ or http://www.welldotcom.nl/ for more information (in Dutch)
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Published on Monday, 30 April 2007 00:00
Written by Penar Musaraj
Joomla template: Tem_cetce by CMS Lounge is a colorful, creative template geared towards websites for the arts & entertainment industries. As usual with CMS Lounge templates, it features clean CSS-driven code, several styles for lists and Heading tags (H1 through to H4) and multiple module positions that you can use for different purposes.
The template is available for sale for only $25, and you can play around with its live demo.
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Published on Monday, 30 April 2007 00:00
Written by JoomlaJunkie
First up is a light version of JJ Flex Photos - exactly the same as JJ Flex Photos, only a light version of this great template - this can be seen in action at demo.joomlajunkie.com. We also have JJ Rasper, featuring bold pastels and vivid modern art-deco colors and style, has been released by JoomlaJunkie.
Read more: JJ Rasper and JJ Flex Photos Lite released by JoomlaJunkie!
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Published on Thursday, 26 April 2007 00:00
Written by Asa Ferm
FSTemplates is happy to announce the Joomla template release for May 2007 - FS Qualine. FS Qualine is a clean and modern template in "web 2.0" style.
The template has a CSS table less design and a flexible one, two or tree column layout with 8 collapsible module positions.
With flexibility and descreet colors this template is made to fit almost any kind of website.
Visit FSTemplates.com for more information and demonstration.
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Published on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 00:00
Written by Kshipra Singh
Packt is pleased to announce an update to its best selling Building Websites with Joomla! title, to cover its latest release. Joomla! 1.5, currently on beta release, is a major advancement for Joomla!. Previous updates of Joomla! 1.0 represented ongoing bug fixes following the split from Mambo. The jump to version 1.5 represents fundamental changes in a total overhaul and upgrade of Joomla!.
Read more: Best Selling Joomla! Book Updated for 1.5 Beta Release.
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Published on Saturday, 21 April 2007 00:00
Written by Shape 5
Shape 5 is proud to announce the
launch of their new Joomla Template Club on May 1st 2007. While you wait
for the grand opening be sure to visit their homepage at the following link,
where you can signup to win one of several free memberships.
Note: Shape 5 will be launching with several products, including some free
ones, be sure to stay tuned!
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Published on Saturday, 21 April 2007 00:00
Written by Jaser Bratzadeh
 A new web2.0 template for joomla is ready to download. Dark Vista is available in 2 versions, one with a header rotator and the other without. This template has a beautiful portal style and delivers a lot of useful web2.0 features. Just have a look !
Have a look at the demopage
Do want this template ? JOIN HERE