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Mambo book published!

Mambo is a mature and fully featured open-source Content Management System (CMS). Mambo is easy to use at the entry level for creating basic websites, while having the power and flexibility to support complex web applications.

Mambo implements the core requirements of a full-featured CMS. It has a powerful and extensible templating system, user access control, content approval, rich administrative control, and content display scheduling. New features and extensions are added to the core system, with many more being available and supported by the community.

Read more: Mambo book published!

JoomlaBlog - A New Dutch Weblog about Joomla!

JoomlaBlogJoomlaBlog is a new Dutch Weblog about Joomla and things related to Joomla. The weblog is separated into several categories, so it's very easy to find the posts you're looking for. For now there are categories for Joomla development, templates, languages, extensions and a general Joomla categorie. Besides Joomla there is a special section for other related stuff like hosting and security. Visitors can give their feedback on blog posts using the comment module or use the link to the Dutch Joomla Forum.

JoomlaBlog is a personal and professional weblog by Arjan Menger of WELLdotCOM - Joomla Professionals. Arjan likes to share his knowledge about Joomla with the community. So next to being an active moderator on the Dutch Joomla Forum helping people, he started this weblog as another "gift" to Joomla and the community.

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Joomla Powered Sites provides a showcase of joomla powered sites. Add your joomla site for free (no backlink) and have it reviewed and rated by members ! All submitted sites will be handled manualy and non-joomla sites will be rejected. want to showcase Joomla sites to new joomla users and show them what kind of sites can be achieved with this CMS. Add your joomla site for free and have it reviewed and rated by members !

Joomla a new website for Dutch language files

Joomla Taalbestand.nlLast week the new website was presented to the public. The goal of the website Joomla is to become a gathering place for all Dutch language files for Joomla and extensions. At first there are only Dutch language files for the Joomla 1.0.x series and Joomla 1.5 BETA. This translations are made by Sander Vancanneyt who started the new project Joomla Nederlands on Joomla tries to make Sanders translations easier to find and more accessable on a website with an url most Dutch speaking people would find easier to remember.

Next to the core translations of Joomla 1.0x and 1.5 BETA they are looking for and gathering Dutch language files for popular extensions. So if you have made translations for extensions, please submit them to to share your work with the community in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Besides downloads of core and extension language files the website offers documentation, news and a blog about the Dutch translation. Please keep in mind that the website just started and needs a lot of work to be done.


Joomla Equipment opens new section ‘Tutorials’!

Joomla Equipment is happy to announce about new section ‘Tutorials’opening. All of you are welcome to see and use materials presented here absolutely for free.
These tutorials surely will be of great use for both professionals and users of Joomla! CMS.
Those of you developing or studying to develop components and plugins for Joomla will find various tips and tricks and howtos on creating. Surely these materials are not official manuals, but, what can be better than personal experience of professional. All articles are written by experienced programmer and developer Sergey Romanov, creator of such great components as JPromoter and JContentSubscription. Sergey is working with Joomla for already 2 years and 6 months and have a real knowledge to share with you. These articles will open the cobwebs of creating really good working professional components enhancing Joomla abilities.
If you are not professional another category with comprehensive tutorials on configuration and management of your Joomla powered web-site is right for you. Read and learn how to manage your site.
This section is also open for questions. If you would like to get some information you cannot find anywhere, ask here and you will have detailed answer.
The section is constantly widen and updated so check it up constantly to be well informed. Subscribe to RSS feeds or to general newsletter list.
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