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Prime is December Joomla 1.5 MightyTemplate

Prime is December MightyTemplate with universal design. Template foreground harmonize with semi-transparent backgrounds. Prime is better for social network sites, blog sites and creativity sites.

* 6 preset styles
* 22 module positions
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* Cross-browser support (+ IE 6)
* MightyGear 1.3
* Joomla 1.5 native

Read more: Prime is December Joomla 1.5 MightyTemplate

New Joomla 1.5 and Drupal templates at

SiteGround web hosting is happy to announce the newest additions to its Drupal and Joomla 1.5 Templates Galleries. They have been created by great third-party Joomla 1.5 and Drupal designers and are free for download by anyone who would like to add a new look to his/her website.

Read more: New Joomla 1.5 and Drupal templates at

Joomla Xtreme relaunch with Forum

Today relaunched their previous portfolio website as a new exciting Joomla Template supplier, Joomla forum and Joomla solutions to common problems.

They have a very sleek design with integrated forum look too, over the coming months they are said to be making one of the best Joomla problem databases on the internet. Along with that they host a wide selection of Joomla Templates which is ever growing on a daily basis.

For all budding Joomla enthusiasts this could be the new community you are looking to join.

Ol yuriko - J1.5 and J1.0.x Template

- Flash header with random images loading. - Popup flat loging form - 2 moomenus vertical and horizontal. - Tips. - Lightbox. - Dropdown. - Top panel. - Color chooser 3 styles. - 3 screen resolutions . - Font size changer. - Png fixed for internet explorer 6. - Tab modules. - Demo installer for joomla1.5 version.


View here Live Demo

Valentine Joomla 1.5 Template

Valentine Joomla 1.5 Template

Joomla CSS Guide proudly presents its new template for joomla 1.5 with Valentine’s Day theme.
JCSS Valentine with its elegant design and romantic color scheme comes with 6 different module styles and 16 module positions in a 3 column collapsible structure.

Read more: Valentine Joomla 1.5 Template

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