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Published on Thursday, 08 November 2007 00:00
Written by Joomla Equipment
The importance of site protection is very urgent as hack attacks are more and more often in modern internet world. Sometimes your site can suffer from an aforethought actions of your competitors, but sometimes just from a bad joke of some guys claiming they are cool. Every minute your site is down you are losing your clients and money and sometimes information. To get back your clients’ loyalty and lost information will be hard and sometimes impossible work. Using Joomla you are quite secure until you install some third party components. Not all developers pay enough attention to security of the component that may make the brilliant component to be an open gate for hackers on your site. But it is not the reason to decline all components for the sake of safety.
JDefender component was developed by JoomlaEquipment especially for those who are concerned about their sites.
JDefender is an ultimate component that protects Joomla from Flood, PHP Injections and MySql Injections through any component. It also has the Restore Section to back up and restore information on the site.
New release of
JDefender is a stable version and perfectly works. And for short period of time is available for lower price. To learn more information visit
JoomlaEquipment home site.
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