- Details
Published on Wednesday, 01 August 2007 00:00
Written by Murat Esgin
New template released from http://www.lavinya.net
Lavinya 6.0rc1 joomla 1.5 template have released another free xhtml template.
You can download it here: http://www.lavinya.net/blog/2007/07/31/lavinya-v6-free-joomla-template-for-joomla-15-released/
1. Free (Gnu/Gpl)
2. Valid W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Code
3. Joomla 1.5 compatible
4. CSS/Tableless Design
5. Accessible - Section 508 and WAI
6. Seo optimized.
7. And the others.
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