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New Version Of Joomla 1.5 For Latest Template

An excellent way to quickly create a Web site using pre-designed website Joomla Templates. An excellent way to quickly create a Web site using pre-designed website Joomla Templates. Compared to 1.0, the tabs in 1.5 are much nicer: using Mootools, these are now sliding tabs with a nice animated effect.Joomla 1.5 templates with Front-end Control Panel, it is a new addition that allows more usability for the template and is only present on the site when logged in as Super Administrator You can now customize: Parameters from the front end Custom banner images assigned to menu items Replacing the logo, bullet, and block quote images. There are some new features like Simplified administrative interface, Create a custom module chrome. New joomla 1.5 has new goals like as Deliver backwards compatibility with previous releases of components, templates, modules and other extensions.

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