- Details
Published on Friday, 12 March 2004 00:00
Written by MamboHut
The best one to describe this template is the author himself, Here's what he has to say about his new template
YTW wrote: "Multl-templates example. 1 Parent template & 2 children templates. All are 3 columns fluid template, fixed sidebars + liquid central part. 100% css design.
The templates validate xhtml 1.0 transitional & css and works fine in IE 5.5 & 6, Opera 7.1x, Mozilla 1.6x & Netscape 7.1x (windows OS). - Basic CSS layout is taken from csscreator layout tool - You will find 3 different templates in there, one for the Home page, another one for the news/FAQ's/Web links category & content pages, and a third one for all other pages (Contact, Search results, Submit news/weblinks, any other content or sublevel pages)
It uses several CSS nested menus from the Listamatic resource - It finally uses also special Mambo scripts preparared by Konlong, that basically allow the main menu to have a XHTML 1.1 valid CSS output, to permit an easy use of the CSS menus from LISTAMATIC, and another script to manage a parent/children relationship between sevaral templates Enjoy it !!!"
Matt Mullenweg, for the image rotator script
Listamatic, for the CSS menus
Konlong, for all the php scripting realised
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